Item: #003


Price: $47.00

Channeling! The Path of the Open Heart!

For those of you who are interested in learning to channel, 

but are either not ready to make a financial commitment, 

or who are unsure of what channeling is ~ 

This (60 minutes total time) mini audio channeling course is for you! 

It’s divided into 4 short audios.
Below are the descriptions of each one.


In this audio, you will receive an introduction to the three classes and what will be taught.

1.)     An idea of what Channeling is.

2.)     An opportunity to see whether you resonate or feel good with it.

3.)     An opportunity to begin your connection with your guides and angels.

4.)     An idea of you want to go further with your Channeling Journey.

5.)    An understanding of your own innate gifts of being a psychic and if you are a natural.

6.)    An introduction to your worse Channeling enemy.

7.)    An opportunity to feel how BEAUTIFUL the Channeling energy feels!

1st MINI Channeling Class

In this audio, you will gain understanding on these topics.

1.)     What Channeling really is.

2.)     Answers why you attract the guides you do.

3.)     Explains the difference in guides versus angels.

4.)     Explains how you can get higher frequency guides.

5.)     Shares how Channeling helps you to make better life choices.

6.)     Answers why it is okay to have absolutely everything you want in life!

2nd MINI Channeling Class

In this audio, you will gain an understanding of these topics.

1.)     How to prepare to Channel.

2.)    Answers how to know if you are ready to Channel.

3.)    Brings the first of many high level infusions of advanced spiritual energy.

4.)    Introduces you to ORION!

5.)    Introduces you to living in alignment with your Soul.

6.)    Hear ORION’S Motto by which all Orion graduates channel!

3rd MINI Channeling Class

In this audio, you will gain an understanding of these topics.

1.)     Psychic tools that are in sync with your specific next spiritual channeling step.

2.)     Tells you the answer to “What are Guides”?

3.)     Tells you which guide you should invite to work with you.

4.)     Where your guides come from.

5.)    What your intention as a SOUL is.

6.)    What a guide brings to you.

7.)    The difference in light, medium and deep trance state channeling.


Angels and loving Spirit Guides can make a wonderful change in your life! I’d like to share what it did for me, and for many others. The blessings received from channeling include: A stronger connection with your Higher Self, confidence, a deeper understanding of Life, a more beautiful and stronger relationship with God, heightened intuition, greater inner peace, a greater sense of security, a knowledge of clarity of one’s purpose and life direction, psychic gifts, and an indestructible joy. If you have ANY interest in channeling, I encourage you to take this course and experience for yourself what this healing art form called channeling can do for you!

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